2024年1月28日 12:00 – 20:00
鎌倉市, 日本、〒248-0012 神奈川県鎌倉市御成町10−5 ラ・プラス美越A 棟2階
「バイオリニスト松本裕香 ヴァイオリン・リサイタル at 鎌倉」のご案内
~日本トルコ国交樹立100周年に寄せて~2024年1月28日(日) 開催
「バイオリニスト松本裕香 VIOLIN RECITAL」
2024年 1月28日(日)12時、15時、18時 の3回 *演奏と食事を合わせて2時間程度の予定
《ヴェストホフ》 無伴奏ヴァイオリンのための組曲より第2番 イ長調
《テレマン》 無伴奏ヴァイオリンのためのファンタジア 第1番 変ロ長調
《シューベルト》 無伴奏ヴァイオリンのための11のレントラー変ロ長調
《ピアソラ》 無伴奏ヴァイオリンのためのタンゴエチュード 第3番 イ短調
《バッハ》 無伴奏ヴァイオリンソナタ 第3番より ラルゴ
《クライスラー》 レチタティーボとスケルツオ 他(曲順未定)
【ランチコース】 *3種のトルコワインとデザート付 10,000円(1名様) 12:00~14:00
【カフェコース】 *トルコのスイーツとトルコ琲&紅茶 8,500円(1名様) 15:00~17:00
【ディナーコース】 *3種のトルコワインとデザート付 13,000円(1名様)
Twitter https://twitter.com/Miki_Hayashi
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Miki.Hayashi.Official
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/watashino_oshiro_sekkeizu
“Yuka Matsumoto: Violin Recital at Kamakura”
Held on January 28, 2024 (Sunday)
Happy New Year to all of you. We look forward to your continued support in 2024.
This year, the Noto Peninsula earthquake occurred on New Year's Day, and there were a number of aircraft accidents. We would like to express our deepest sympathies to the people in the affected areas, and pray that the recovery work will proceed as quickly as possible.
On January 28th (Sunday), the European Culture and Performing Arts Association (ECPA) will be holding a recital by our company's violinist Yuka Matsumoto at Minamoto, a meat and wine restaurant in Kamakura, where you can enjoy listening to classical music with your meal.
This project is a recital that will kick off a major event in Tokyo and Kansai to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and Turkey, which is scheduled to be held in September. Ms. Matsumoto will be performing at an event in September with Bülent Evcil, principal flutist of the Istanbul State Symphony Orchestra, and Maya Asano, a Japanese pianist and musician living in Istanbul, who also belong to our company.
Ms. Matsumoto is a very lively woman from Kamakura City. Matsumoto's violin sounds really beautiful. We hope you enjoy the music of Bach, Piazzolla and other composers played by Mr. Matsumoto!
Please take this opportunity to visit us. We are really looking forward to spending time with you all. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Finally, we would like to sincerely pray that this year will be a fruitful year for all of you.
European Culture and Performing Arts Association (ECPA)
Representative Director
Miki Hayashi